WYMS 2020

Dear ship modelers, In this era of a growing epidemic situation in Poland and Europe and in view of the health of our juveniles, the Organizing Committee of the WYMS 2020 Poland competition (Junior Modeling Competition) wants to inform You about moving the event to 2021. We hope You will understand we cannot allow health …

World ship-modeling championship 2020 Croatia – section C

Under the current circumstances, the following announcement is provisional and subject to possible changes as the situation with the Corona crisis makes it impossible to guarantee this!  Dear Sir/Madam, World ship-modeling championship according to the Naviga rules (section C) is taking place in Rijeka, Croatia from 12th to 20th September, 2020. The exhibition and the competition will be …


Hello ship modelers from the world over, The current situation in regard to the Corona virus has become a worldwide issue we cannot ignore. In several countries it has stuck very hard and several others are now taking , or considering taking drastic measures concerning the movement and concentration of people. We as a community …

FSR class

Ship modelers from all over the World: It is with great pride and joy we can announce the future of the FSR class within Naviga. After a long period of non-activity in the FSR class we realized something had to be done in order to keep the class alive. Our main concern was to find …

Naviga bank account

My dear friends, ship modelers from all over the world. These last few weeks, we have been bombarded with questions in regard to the anual membership fee. Up to this very moment, the situation is not fully solved yet. When we took over the Naviga Presidium, Naviga did not even have a bank account no …

Invitation to 1st Polish Open NS class Orneta 2020

Dear Friends. I want to invite all of You to 1st Polish Open NS class Orneta 2020. It will be open competition for all NS class modelers. Not every classes will be compete, we selected most popular. Please share this info with Your colleagues who can be interesting in participation. Best regards from Poland Jarek …


Belgium 17 december 2019 Dear ship modelers the World over. Another year is rapidly coming to it’s end, a year that has brought some serious changes for our boating Community and in particular for myself too. This is my first new years resolution i make as newly elected Naviga President, and in so i want …

New Section leader M

By a large majority of votes from all the National M Section leaders Mr Csaba Danielfy (Hungary) was elected Section Leader class M. As off now he will take over this job. Walter Geens Naviga President Related Images:

European Championship M/NS 2020 Kaliningrad, Russia

Invitation EC2020 KALININGRAD Dear modelers,   With great pride i can announce that the European Championship both in class M and class NS will be held form august 6 till august 13 in Kaliningrad, Russia. Further details like invitation and supplementary information will be send out in the next few days. I would like to …

Membership fee reduction for 2020

Boom 7 november 2019 To all member countries of Naviga, One of the goals of this new Presidium is to attract more people to (re)join Naviga. One thing that often heard is that the annual membership fee is too high. We have looked into the not that favorable financial heritage left to us, and looked …

New Naviga Presidium

On October 26th of 2019, the Assembly General took place in Oberhausen, Germany. At this AGM there was also elections for the Naviga Presidium, and i am proud to announce you that Naviga has a new Presidium. As of now this following group is the new Presidium: President : Mr Geens Walter 1st vice President: …


From the 1 first of September 2019 , the General Secretary resignation is confirmed by myself. My Reason is after 8 Years to do this job , i understood that the world organisation was not sponsorable for our interest sport member ( every member pays for that ) but it is just a commercial organisation …