Category «section E»

End Results WC-2023 Slovakia class E

Dear Beloved Friends, I hope this post finds you all in good health and high spirits. As we wrap up a week filled with a blend of sunshine, refreshing rainfall, and even a spirited dance with a windstorm, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for the journey we’ve shared. This week’s rollercoaster of weather seemed …

Some Clarification

My dear friends I need  to clarify some aspects concerning the FSR-v 3,5 Std races and the E 20min std races , that will be held  during by the Section E WC championship that will be organise  in parallel with the Section M championship in Slovakia next year . The FSR-V 3,5 Std will have …

New race

Class Endurance 20 Std- Class FSR-V 3,5 Std. My dear friends, hire are the rules of the new class in E section  the E 20 min Std In such classes like FSR-V 3.5 Std will run both as only IC boats and in a mixed class where IC and electric boats will run together. Also …